"Win exclusively with the trio of 7s."

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"Win exclusively with the trio of 7s."

Post by WILL_RGS »

Why does the rule of winning with the trio of 7 exclusively ? This rule doesn't exist in the original version of the game, nor is it mentioned anywhere in the manual. If someone makes 3 trios, they win before another person can make the trio of 7s. Why was this rule included in the BGA version?
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Re: "Win exclusively with the trio of 7s."

Post by Suoivax »

I own a physical copy of Trio, and play at least weekly.

I dont understand your question.

There are 2 ways to win.

1.) Comlete 3 trios.
2.) Complete the 7's trio.

If you play with 6 people, and not use the "7's win" rule, it's possible to have nobody finish 3 trios
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