Cannot place tile, seems to be a legal move

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Cannot place tile, seems to be a legal move

Post by daddyotter »

Not sure if this is a bug or I am misunderstanding the rules.

In the below scenario the plan is to buy 8 blue and place it under the fountain however the game will not allow this move.

This is my first game however my read of the rules seems to be:
1. no wall blocking path from fountain
2. any wall must adjoin empty space or another wall
3. tiles must be orthogonal
All of these seem ok as the 8 blue only has a wall on right hand side, no hole is made, and there is route from fountain.

Interestingly it allows to place the 6 red in the same position even though this has right side wall.
It also allows 3 orange under the fountain so it doesn't seem to be anything related to placing tile directly from the market.

Is this a bug I need to report?

Also the image insertion isn't working so have linked the image instead.
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