UNDO button

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UNDO button

Post by The__Nick »

Is it a bug or just busted code that there isn't an UNDO button? It's not like what's on the other side of the stone is a secret, what with it being right there on the side.
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Re: UNDO button

Post by n_e_s_s_u_n_o »

Undo is against BGA rule: "you can undo only if no private information are revealed", in this game every move you do reveal some of your card.
I received some suggestion to add a small icon on the stone to show the opposite side, but Publisher don't like we modify original graphic. Then there is tooltip that show you the opposite side and help cards too.
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Re: UNDO button

Post by WhatsThatSmell »

Even if UNDO is impossible (although I think it should be, as you don't see part of your opponent's move, only the end result) - could we please have a confirmation dialog when I accidentally click "End Turn" with cards to play - as the buttons often move as the page loads (at least it does on my phone), on three occasions now, I have clicked on a card, then "Score" and just as I click on "Score" it moves and the "End Turn" button is activated instead. All three occasions it has resulted in losing a game I should have won. If, when a player clicks "End Turn" it comes up with a message box to ask if they meant to do so - if they have any cards left to play, it would be very useful.
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Re: UNDO button

Post by Chubbs7575 »

I understand the no UNDO because your card is revealed, but to me the undo in this case isn't taking back a whole play, rather accidentally shifting the wrong two tiles. Sure the card once discarded is played and revealed, and you can't undo that, but you should be able to undo the tile you shifted or flipped. Run into it all the time, especially on mobile when I fat finger something :lol:
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