"Briscola chiamata" not a variant of "Briscola"

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"Briscola chiamata" not a variant of "Briscola"

Post by Giogioia »

Dear developers,
I am writing to propose you the separation of the game "Briscola chiamata" game, currently implemented as a 5-player variant of the "Briscola" game, from the latter.
(I was not able to write on the bugs and suggestions section ‘https://boardgamearena.com/bugs’ about this specific game, that is why I am writing here. Please feel free to move it to the correct section, if it is not this one).
Despite having part of the name in common, the two games are not the same thing, nor is one a variant of the other.
Both use the same materials (same set of cards and same card values) and both have a trick-taking base, that is true, yet the mechanics are very different.
“Briscola” is an almost pure trick-taking game, in which the opponents and the trump suit are defined from the beginning. More importantly, the secondary (not so secondary) mechanic is card picking, which introduces a strong component of luck into the game.
“Briscola chiamata” does not have card picking (!) and the teams and the trump suit are defined only after the initial auction phase, which is the true heart of the game, as it significantly minimizes the impact of luck in the distribution of cards, acting as an elegant self-compensation mechanism. Furthermore, there are secret roles and bluff mechanics, which lead to completely different gameplays.
That's why the two games have two separate entries on BGG.
Keeping them together has at least two main undesirable effects:
1. the “Briscola” game is overfilled with variations and options that make it more difficult to set up a game and find opponents willing to play; the rules are also confusing and, if we wanted to write clear rules for "Briscola chiamata" as a variant, the rules of the "variant" would be longer than those of the "main game", which is unusual, of course;
2. the “Briscola chiamata” game is somehow hidden and diminished. Not everyone thinks to look for it under the entry of the game "Briscola", so there are fewer accesses and fewer games played. For sure, this is not your intention: if you have worked on a game, you want it to be easily available and widely played.
Separating the two games could significantly improve the accessibility and play volumes of both.
I'm not a programmer, so I don't know if the proposed separation would be easy or difficult, but if you could do it, it would be great.
For the same reason, I can't help with the codes, but if I can help in some other way (translations? tutorials?), please let me know.
Thanks for what you can do.
Best regards.
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Re: "Briscola chiamata" not a variant of "Briscola"

Post by ufm »

Rejected. Some devs (including myself) have done so already in other games and almost all of those attempts failed.
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Re: "Briscola chiamata" not a variant of "Briscola"

Post by Giogioia »

Thank you for answering. Perhaps you would reconsider it in the future. May be other players will support the request (I strongly hope so). They really are different games. This would be the right attempt.
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