"Taking" discard

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Joined: 27 January 2024, 05:24

"Taking" discard

Post by bishogg »

I've noticed players picking up and immediately placing a card back on the pile. Sometimes this occurs several times a hand, while never picking up the pile. This allows their partner to know they have at least 2 of that number. The rule should be if you click on the discard you have to pick it up and play it, and take the additional cards associated with that game mode. Everyone can see the recent cards played in the game log, and should be able to count to 50, 90, 120, etc. Or if you don't have the points to open, then maybe the option to pick it up should not be available.
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Re: "Taking" discard

Post by AwensMom »

It's usually because they have the pair, but don't have enough to meet the initial requirements to lay down at all.

If they're letting you know they have two of something, that's positive for you and not something to complain about.
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Re: "Taking" discard

Post by bishogg »

Read the last sentence in my post.
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Re: "Taking" discard

Post by LadyLissa »

I have definitely seen players "take" the discard and put it back as a signal that they have those cards. It seems like maybe it just shouldn't show up i the chat for everyone one until the end of the turn.
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