Why can't I call a winning hand?

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Why can't I call a winning hand?

Post by Talzaroff »

I'm clearly misunderstanding the rules somehow, but I can't see where I'm going wrong. If anyone knows the rules well and could explain to me why I can't use my left neighbor's discarded West Wind to call Ron after I called Riichi last round. As far as I can see, I'm not in Furiten, because I haven't discarded a West Wind or a Red Dragon this game:


BGA automatically drew a blind tile for me at the start of my turn, instead of allowing me to choose the West Wind discarded earlier by my left neighbor. Am I incorrect in thinking that that should be allowed?
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Re: Why can't I call a winning hand?

Post by Ringbearer79 »

I might see it wrong, but you can only call on a tile that an opponent just discarded. Tiles that are discarded earlier in the hand are gone forever. Unless an opponent would toss a west after you declared riichi you wouldnt be able to go out.
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Re: Why can't I call a winning hand?

Post by Talzaroff »

Well, that was the thing I couldn't find in the rules. It does make sense, but since the rules mention "discarded tiles" in general, I assumed I could also take a previously discarded tile. Anyway, thank you for clarifying!
I'm probably pretty screwed with this hand now then :lol:
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