Some tips for new Rogues

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Some tips for new Rogues

Post by Jonchu »

1. Skill tip: You have two skills(you can hover over your character panel to see what it is.). You can use only one of them... Unless you encounter cards including Image<==this symbol. ex)Image

2. Dice
White dice
: Image<==If you roll 6 on combat, you can roll it again.
Black dice: Image<==If you roll 1 on combat, the monster always miss. If you roll 6 on combat, the monster always penetrates your armor.
When you level up, you get additional white die.(Therefore Skill check success possibility is 33.3%/55.5%/70.3% for 1/2/3 level.)

3. Crusader tip:
Use 'Shield' before going downstairs.Image
If the boss penetrates armor, ask your partner to give armor to you(for 'Stun' to do +2 damage.).
On early stages, monsters' damage is 1~2, therefore blockable with your armor. If you block all the damage, you also don't take debuffs such as curse and poison!

4. Value:
The amount of gold that is not enough is taken from HP. (As Ancestor on Darkest Dungeon says... "The cost of Preparedness measured now in gold. Later... in blood.")

5. etc:
You can't hold two same portion.

more tips will be added
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Re: Some tips for new Rogues

Post by ZenVee »

Any other tips for crusader run?

I've easily won with priestess, seems like the best and easiest. won with mage, little bit harder, and won with a rogue.

Crusader just isn't good. the armor gets ignored by lots of monsters, lots of traps break the armor, he starts with less supplies less hearts.
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Re: Some tips for new Rogues

Post by Shewolf1968 »

thx much for the tips! :)
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