Any house rule to play it in real life?

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Any house rule to play it in real life?

Post by Babygun »

I read and heard people telling bad things about this game, specilailly 2 points: Familiar is too strong and one does not have time to build a great engine.

My boardgame in real life will arrive here these days, and I will play in 2. I was thinking about using 2 familiars to be filled at the same time or just store 2 runes to be counted as 1. This way maybe the game will takes more time to finish and the familiar will not be too strong.

Any other ideas?
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Re: Any house rule to play it in real life?

Post by SethLusus »

I think going that direction would make the game more interesting.

I wouldn't all the way to making it twice as long to fill, but maybe 30-50%. You'll need to experiment to find what feels like the right balance.
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Re: Any house rule to play it in real life?

Post by Terrinist »

How about double the Familiar Board (two slots per space) but make a rule where if the Materia color matches the Materia color of the slot beforehand, it'll fill up both spaces?

A strategy might be to constantly store a single color to go on a single-slot-per-space chain run (it doesn't count two colors beforehand unless two Materia were used on a single space), but then they lose the ability to create whatever spell was associated with the color by using it all in storage. Also many spells favor a variety on the Faniliar Board to operate well.

Swapping spells won't negate previous slots and spaces. If you met the requirements before, the space will be set as-is.

What do you think?
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Re: Any house rule to play it in real life?

Post by Babygun »

Great idea too!
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