Luck factor

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Luck factor

Post by mosed1 »

The Luck factor is set to 0.
This should be correct to 1 because you draw cards and there is still a luck factor.
(which cards är discarded from others and which cards ar not drawed is not possible to know.
And in several Player games where quit allways a Paradoxon occures it can be also luck to be in the position to not do it.)
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Re: Luck factor

Post by antromusx »

Actually, as a developer, I didn't set Luck/Strategy and Diplomacy rating to this game, because I honestly don't know how to evaluate it)
I only have set difficulty based on BGG weight.

I set Luck to 1 now, thanks. If you (or other players) have suggestions for other ratings, please fell free to share them.
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Re: Luck factor

Post by mosed1 »

Thank you,
And I think Strategie should be set to 2.
Because there are several tactis you can follow.
(To make only 1 trick and a big bonus or to make as many tricks as possible, also a strategie is to avoid a paradoxon or to force an other player in an paradoxon.)
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Re: Luck factor

Post by mosed1 »

I even thin luck should be 2 because the drawing of the cards make quit much (if you draw for example 4 time the same number you have quite big control about this number)
For me 2;2;2;0 is the correct Rating.
Other meanings?
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Re: Luck factor

Post by nghiadt »

I agree that this game depend on luck a lot more than it seems. With some hand (even with high card) you simply cannot win but simply try to avoid paradox. And some hand will help you dominance the round. The player position also a big factor which you cannot control.
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Re: Luck factor

Post by antromusx »

OK, I have set Luck at 2 and Strategy at 2 also.
Thanks for your opinions!
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Re: Luck factor

Post by 3julian3 »

antromusx wrote: 20 June 2024, 19:37 OK, I have set Luck at 2 and Strategy at 2 also.
Thanks for your opinions!
Since the player who started this thread has won 96% of his games, what can we conclude? He is lucky or he is a good player? I think he's probably very good and luck had little to do with his win rate. :D

This game has randomness but I distinguish randomness from luck.

Chess is random in who goes first, but not considered a luck-based game (even though white has advantage).

Luck rating of contact bridge is 1-7% which is very low. I think this game is even less because there is a discard at the start and end of each hand, plus you choose the suits of all your cards. Seat position is also not luck-based.

Bidding is a skill, card play is a skill, suit selection is a skill. I would say higher on strategy, lower on luck.

On a side note, the number of times a lower ranked player upsets a higher ranked player might be a good metric for determining this programmatically? What do you think?
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Re: Luck factor

Post by marick »

"Chess is random in who goes first, but not considered a luck-based game (even though white has advantage)." - in a chess tournament, luck comes into play in terms of which systems you prepared for and which will require spending precious clock-time to figure out on the fly. When a GM is in their prep, they can make moves in seconds. When not, it can take 25 minutes to find the best move. Needless to say the chess computers don't need luck to find the best moves quickly, but we're not all computers.

"Luck rating of contract bridge is 1-7% which is very low. " - many contract bridge players *prefer* to play duplicate bridge (IIRC) where you are competing only against people who play *the exact hands* you play. That eliminates most of the luck factor inherent in "normal" contract bridge. I doubt any actual bridge players would claim any one hand of "normal" contract bridge has little luck to it. You can only do so much with a flat hand bereft of face-cards and Aces.
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Re: Luck factor

Post by Caped And Cowled »

I think the more players involved in a match, the higher the luck factor is and the lower the strategy factor gets. Not sure if there is a way to see how many of my losses come from 3 or 4 player games, but I feel that is where the majority of them come from. Also luck of the people playing - the more people involved runs a higher risk of rogue/random plays that offset any strategy one may have been working. Another reason I am advocating for 2 player Arena Season.
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Re: Luck factor

Post by luk5 »


interaction is high (should not be set to 0), it is a trick-taking game and there is a central board !

Here interaction is rated 5/5 : ... n-the-box/
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