Dice rolls are way too low

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Dice rolls are way too low

Post by PerpetualRevision »

My wife and I play the physical version of this game regularly and really enjoy it. So we were excited to find it here so that we could share it with long distance friends. But the implementation here is nearly unplayable b/c the dice rolls are always incredibly low, too low to capture any landscape cards. So we just keep having to reload, reload, reload to get more and more adventurers, and a game that takes 30 minutes to play around the table is taking us weeks on BGA to get through.

I realize the game may have been abandoned here, but if there's anyone listening who'd like more people to play the game, please do something to make the dice rolls more like playing in person, where even the most unlucky person does not constantly roll 1's! I would love to share the game with more people who can't join us to play in person!
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Re: Dice rolls are way too low

Post by ufm »

FYI, Dragonwood does not use regular d6 dice, and the die roll average is 2.5.
Your rolls were average: https://boardgamearena.com/table?table=547960707
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