Have a setting to flip the cards less quickly, so you can identify what the other person has, what happened.
Tried to teach this to my parents tonight, and their devices did not show the logs easily, so it was a bit frustrating to try and figure out what was happening. My mom could rotate the device and see it, my dad never could.
They also suggested having a mode where the number that is revealed is super clear, because it is a well graphiced, pretty card, but it was hard for them to determine what the card was, in limited time.
Tried to teach this to my parents tonight, and their devices did not show the logs easily, so it was a bit frustrating to try and figure out what was happening. My mom could rotate the device and see it, my dad never could.
They also suggested having a mode where the number that is revealed is super clear, because it is a well graphiced, pretty card, but it was hard for them to determine what the card was, in limited time.