I recommend a rule change for the end game

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Joined: 13 June 2020, 19:54

Re: I recommend a rule change for the end game

Post by vurtan »


I'm the BGA developer for Framework. At first I was going to dismiss the proposal, since the original rules says "immediate" end.
But you made me think and I believe now, that I will implement it as an option.

The logic will be quite simple (which helped in convincing) that after one player placed the last token on a task the game end is triggered.
All players will continue the game until all players got the same amount of tiles placed.
Posts: 246
Joined: 16 April 2020, 20:59

Re: I recommend a rule change for the end game

Post by Hagardunor »

Excellent !

I think I will not be the sole player to appreciate

Thanks a lot!
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