pondering strategy

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pondering strategy

Post by iFrtz »

Hi all,

this is my first post on bga✨
hope I'm getting the format right!

Orion Duel is such an interesting game, but I can't find much discussion about it so I'd be curious to hear peoples ideas/questions/musings on strategy, if anyone is interested in sharing 😊

a couple of thoughts to maybe get things started:

Even though Orion Duel is so unique, sometimes it reminds me of Go (although I haven't played Go much and my understanding is of it is very superficial).
Some similarities:
- The way you force the opponents hand sometimes. And being aware of how your opponent might be able to force your hand.
- "projecting" power through how central your position is.
- stronger or weaker connections based on how many moves it would take to prevent a possible link between pieces of the same color.
- the importance of giving up early enough on an unwinable area of the board in order to focus on another.

Something I don't quite understand is strategy for placing galaxies and black holes. Is there any? I can't figure out a way to place them advantageously, but in another discussion people seem to imply that placing them would reduce potential first-player advantage (if that even exists) - compared to random placement.

What do you all think? What are some things you noticed/came up with, regarding strategy? Looking forward to an interesting exchange 😊
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