Can expansion companies be added to this game?

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Can expansion companies be added to this game?

Post by JK3X5 »

I'm very much enjoying this game these days at offline and online also.

I love those expansion companies but it's too sad that they're missing on BGA CotBS.

Is there any chance for those companies to be added here?

zubi y poco mas
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Re: Can expansion companies be added to this game?

Post by zubi y poco mas »

It would be great having the expansión companies but I think they won't add them
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Re: Can expansion companies be added to this game?

Post by charlimangy »

Yes, please, please. The expansion companies add a lot to the game replay-ability. Seriously, we would play this game much more often if they were there. Considering that the game is so difficult to buy it just seems mean to limit the access to the expansion.
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