Pencil Power Cards- How to use them

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Joined: 19 November 2024, 13:30

Pencil Power Cards- How to use them

Post by celijeli »

How can I use the Power Cards if there are 4 of them (usually there is only one card per color).Even if the right symbol was shown I couldn't click on them. Can you please help me :? Thx!!
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Joined: 05 July 2023, 22:06

Re: Pencil Power Cards- How to use them

Post by JohnnyCyclops »

One card shows up each round. Three need to used during the round prior to making a connection choice. One can be used at round end. I just click the card icon to activate before making a route connection.

1. Get a free split in the track - treat your current planned connection as a split line
2. Repeat the same connection shape (circle, square, etc.) although if you pick a wildcard station type then the repeat will be of the same shape not a further wildcard
3. Get and use as a wild card

At round end:
4. Double up the point value of an already placed connection
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