Well said, I strive to be better everyday, I know bwash is a friendly player. He meant no harm, let’s all be better starting with myself
I appreciate 3p, especially season 17 non corp era, I discovered so much missing treasures, non corp deep dive even though in limited 3p was almost archeological. I was mining TM long lost relics in each game.
I would say this, 3p presents a refreshing breaks for GMs of the game, since it’s much easier for them to crush the field in 2p than 3p via lower skill ceiling, king making plus lesser control over the tempo.
Finally since no top players would ever be interested in 3p on their own, it’s not so bad to force them playing 3p here(although enough is enough, we really need to do 2p arena now). Sometimes, you get lucky and draw 2 other top players and the game is just wonderful…since the dirty secret is that 3p prelude is more balanced than 2p prelude when equally matched…theoretically. That’s why I prefer 2p corp/non corp era, my preys have far less easy outs.