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Post by ollyfish2002 »

I have played games where first and second have the same number of victory points. But there is a winner known by buildings points.
How this number is calculated ?
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Re: Tie

Post by N_Faker »

It's the sum of the points depicted on the completed buildings.
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Re: Tie

Post by ollyfish2002 »

No, the sum is the same if there is a tie.
I was asking about the number followed by a star between brackets.
Edit: I have found the solution XXYY, XX are the points from buildings and YY are the remaining coins. From my game, we both have 21 points, i have 2109* compared to 1926*. I have 21 points and 9 coins, the other player 19 points but 26 coins, that gives him 2 more victory points, but less buildings points.
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Re: Tie

Post by Faedur »


Well, I would have told you to read the rules first but I recognize there's a lack in the english version. The original french rules say :

"Chaque joueur additionne alors les points de victoire des Bâtiments et des Machines terminés, auxquels il ajoute 1 point par tranche complète de 10 Écus encore en sa possession. Celui qui a le plus de points de victoire devient le Premier Bâtisseur du Royaume et est déclaré vainqueur ! En cas d’égalité, c’est le joueur avec le plus de points de victoire grâce à ses bâtiments qui est le vainqueur. S’il y a encore égalité, c’est celui qui a le plus depièces qui l’emporte"

So in case of tie, the player wich have more points only with buildings win ; if it is still a tie, player with more coins win.

I don't know why it is not translated in the english rules...

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