Automatic assigning of dice

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Automatic assigning of dice

Post by nandblock »

I really enjoy the new (Beta) implementation of this game. That said, it's frustrating that dice are automatically assigned for actions such as Consume, Trade, or Stock. For instance, in a game where I had Alien Archeology ($4 rather than $2 if you Stock with alien dice) I tried to Stock and it selected the white die not the yellow, thus leading to $2 loss. In other games, when I have sold goods, it has auto-matched with the wrong die: for instance, a game where I had brown and purple dice for the Ship action, and brown and blue planets: I clicked to ship from the brown planet, and it picked the purple not the brown die, thus meaning that the blue sale lost 1 point.

Anyway, other than this problem I'm really happy with the implementation! But this one feature of it is really aggravating :S ...
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Re: Automatic assigning of dice

Post by turtler7 »

You can click the die you want to assign then the action to prevent autoassign guessing the best action for you. And you can assign in an order so that taking any of what it will think is the best die will not mess up other actions. I did just hit a glitch with this and saw this post trying to get to bug reports. I had a ghost white die from a development and clicked to ship a rare good for 5 money without using my rare shipping dice so that it would go back to the cup. When I clicked the white then the good to ship it did show $5 or 1 VP not 2. But it took away my rare die back to citizenry anyway.
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Re: Automatic assigning of dice

Post by dremaa »

Usually if you consume for vps before trading, things work out alright. Choose the good that has the fewest options for maximum points and consume for vps. Continue consuming until all you want to do is trade, then you can trade any goods. I don't think that the color of the shipper ever matters for the sale of a good (unless there is a development that changes this).
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Re: Automatic assigning of dice

Post by SerBaldur »

i had the same problem with alien technology, and i definitely clicked a non-yellow (but higher in position) die before choosing to draw tiles, but it still used my lower yellow die (which was in the lowest position).

If this feature works, it is impossible to see that you have chosen a die or not, bec i could not tell even though i clicked a few times. i think i discerned a faint red outline on the die i selected, but as mentioned, i got the behavior i didn't want.
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