improvements that can be done

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improvements that can be done

Post by Salanael »

Some fonctionalities that we could add to the game :
  • add a disclaimer when you dismiss a die to replace it by other dice (like the rebel mine tile). We are warned when we want to get back a die from a tile to the cup, a not when we throw a die. It can especially be frustrating because after the settle phase (in automatic) we have the produce phase and we are waiting to clic on our dice to produce. And if we forgot the planet we settle in is a planet with a dismiss die option, we juste lose a die.
  • In the same spirit : being able to go back in a phase like produce or consume, and even settle. Sometimes, the die is not the one we wanted to put in game. And there is no way to go back.
  • A better way to choose the consumption die. It's not clear wich die will be selected to the consume phase. And it can be very frustrating to lose the "well colored die" to get money when you had a starter die next to it.
my 2 cents ...
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Re: improvements that can be done

Post by Dicenberg »

Agree with you on those. I think the first one has been implemented because I am asked to confirm when choosing the replacement die.

Your second point really frustrates me. Sometimes I don't want to use the dice that are assigned to develop/settle and you don't get that option. It's usually ok as you can recall if the development/planet isn't completed. But if it is completed, then the dice are used whether you want to or not. This is not the rules of the game.

And the third point also bugs me, although I experienced it when needing to stock specifically with the yellow die. As far as I can tell it's not possible to choose which die is being resolved next. And sometimes it's the top one, sometimes it's the bottom. I lost about $4 in a game because of that. It would be good if you could select which die will be resolved next (similar to when settling with different coloured dice). Maybe this is already possible? I'll try it out in my next game.
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Re: improvements that can be done

Post by dremaa »

I think if you want to use a specific technology (definitely for reassign), click on that technology and the game will attempt to use that technology when choosing the next die.
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