7 Wonders - random setting of "wonder board side"

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7 Wonders - random setting of "wonder board side"

Post by tap-zbyna »


I suggest the random setting to be all wonders A side or all wonders B side. It is total nonsense to mix A sides with B sides. Sometimes it is really huge disadvantage to those who play A side.

I suggest complete removal of "random" variant as it is now. Make it "A side", "B side", "choose" and "random all A/all B".

Anyway - great job to bring 7W to BGA! It is an awesome game.
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Re: 7 Wonders - random setting of "wonder board side"

Post by RicardoRix »

all the boards are 'equally balanced'.

The rules I think are deliberately vague, but they say that the randomness of boards should be like this - both a random board and a random side. It then 'suggests' to play all A's for the first few games, and then possibly choose the boards if the players agree (can't get more vague than that). I assume they assume you're all adults and can come up with you own house rule you all like.

Actually says nothing of the implementation BGA has done about choosing the side of your random board.
Ho Hum, I like it - means more variation each game.
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CB Droege
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Re: 7 Wonders - random setting of "wonder board side"

Post by CB Droege »

My group has always played 'random board, but pick your side' it's a good balance of randomization and choice, and it keeps the game balanced for those who think the Bs are more powerful, since you are never forced into side A. I have my own personal favorite side of each wonder. :D
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Re: 7 Wonders - random setting of "wonder board side"

Post by Valezius »

I think it would be good to add a 3rd "Wonder board side:" option.
with "A side" value. As the rules suggested it is recommended to start playing with this game on A side. But none of the 2 options garanteed this.
Maybe a 4th option with "B side" value can be worked. But as I see this is not so important.
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Re: 7 Wonders - random setting of "wonder board side"

Post by Liallan »

All I see is Random and Choose. Is that really the only two?

I completely disagree that mixed Random is "nonsense." To begin with, this is exactly what the rules say to do, so why would that option be removed? And some prefer it this way, especially more experienced players. And an option shouldn't be removed because some given person does not like it.

Choose is good - that's how I play it in person. (Although that's not in the rules.)

But I do agree that all A and all B should exist as well. In a beginner game, it probably is good to use all A. Some people might prefer this, and therefore they are good options to have. Except for the suggestion for a beginner game, the rules don't say you can do this, but I agree that they probably thought we were all adults and could decide for ourselves how to do this.

Sometimes the site cannot house rule certain things based on whatever agreement they have with their license. But I kind of figure since the rules suggest A only for beginners, and since they did include Choose (not in the rules), that including all A and all B would probably be OK.

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