Russian Railroad Suggestions

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Russian Railroad Suggestions

Post by markem »

Here are some suggestions:

1. I had to hunt, every turn, to figure out what I could or could not select because the white border was almost impossible to see.
2. I suggest changing these borders to be green instead of white.
3. I also suggest increasing the size of the highlighted areas so they stand out more. Maybe even a flame green border?
4. Provide more feedback on what it is the game wants you to do.
4a. I had to redo one turn six or seven times in order to get how to do what I was doing.
4b. Steps:
4b1. 3 guys on Locomotive + factory. Select locomotive - nothing else worked. Restart.
4b2. 3 guys on Locomotive + factory. Select locomotive again to see what would happen. Could not select anything else. Restart.
4b3. 3 guys on Locomotive + factory. Selected factory. Selected Locomotive. One #3 Locomotive dropped to bottom - extra. Game says you an action. I'm like "What kind of action?" Finally clicked on extra Locomotive and it was sold. Restart.
4b4. 3 guys on Locomotive + factory. Selected factory. Selected Locomotive. One #3 Locomotive dropped to bottom - extra. Noticed there was a BLUE rectangle around the top Locomotive. Selected it. #2 and #3 exchanged places. Sold #3.

That is how many steps it took to figure out what was going on. The information presented above really doesn't say what you are supposed to do or even how to do it. You are just left to wonder.

Suggestion #5 - Be consistent. Why a blue border on just one part of the game? Make all of them green.

There are other places where just a bit more information would be very helpful.

Both myself and Relian Kru were so frustrated that at one point both him and myself were cursing at the screen.

We both feel that the game is like the old saying about Russians - very stoic and not giving anything away - like what you can do during your move. However, I have suggested that we play the game a second time with three people. The unfortunate third person will be very frustrated but we will kick back from Vodka and enjoy the show.
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Re: Russian Railroad Suggestions

Post by Een »

I moved your post in the proper game forum, posting in the general suggestions would have almost zero chance to get the attention of the developer for this game.

Suggestions for a game are best posted in the tracking tool ( as the developer will be notified about new reports posted there. Second best is in the forum dedicated to this game. Suggestions forum is for more general topics about the website, game developers are not likely to read all that is posted there.
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