Dice Roll Card Distribution

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Dice Roll Card Distribution

Post by giggas2 »

Perhaps this is my Dungeons and Dragons bias coming in, but it feels like the distribution feels somewhat haphazard between "good" events (events for instance where you clear a ball and get the ball back) and "bad" events (like shooting and the ball is saved). I would expect that the "good" events would be nearer to 20 (critical successes in DnD), and the bad events are nearer to 1 (critical failures in DnD).

If a d20 is sufficiently fair, I know it doesn't matter. It's totally a preference of how the d20 is interpreted. It's just something in the back of my mind that's been like "oh, I rolled an 18! oh, in this part of the game that's bad. darn!"
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Re: Dice Roll Card Distribution

Post by gordoz »

I agree and I’ve never played dnd. It’s just more intuitive the way you described
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