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Re: Quantum update

Posted: 26 June 2020, 16:01
by vdude
Hi I have one thing I've noticed that I'm curious if other players have come across. When reconfiguring from one number to another and then doing it a second time, I always get the original number. Is that just me? I don't even reconfigure a dice a second time anymore.

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 26 June 2020, 16:06
by vdude
Also I have played with agreements on not using Dangerous. I believe if we were going to have an option to turn it off, might as well open it up to all the cards? Not sure if that's easy or not but it seems like it it can be a search for a card that returns a result that we can check to remove? This game isn't getting any expansions or anything so it's kind of a fun little way to change the game for those of us who have played a lot.

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 26 June 2020, 16:24
by galehar
The new art looks pretty nice. I tried to test it in BGA Studio but it was the old graphics. Do I need to be invited? Does the new version have a different name in BGA Studio?
A simple game setup option which I would like is to have a random 6 or 7 cube map. And change the arena options to 2 players and random 6/7 maps, random void tile. The current option (4P, any map) is nonsense.
I think there is a BGA policy against unofficial variants. I have won plenty of games against Dangerous. It's a strong cards but like so many others. It can be unfun and annoying sometimes though.
It would also be nice to have an option to automatically reroll defeats when you have a card that allows a reroll. It might not even have to be an option, I've never seen a situation where a defeat might be a desirable outcome.
And 2P in arena please! :D

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 26 June 2020, 17:57
by Zulu Kane
"An option to automatically reroll defeats when you have a card that allows a reroll" must be the most common wish I've heard from a variety of players. Waiting hours or days for another player to click their choice certainly slows down turn-based games.

I do think it should be an option one can toggle. There are rare occasions when one wishes their ship to be destroyed (e.g. to get a new ship).

(Which reminds me, regarding the much maligned Dangerous card: on a couple occasions i have attacked a player with Dangerous as a quick way to recycle my ship to the scrapyard, for subsequent deployment elsewhere on the map — making their card work for me.)

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 26 June 2020, 19:45
by Ratburntro44
For battle rerolling, is it possible to make options that are configurable for a player (ideally in a way that persists) rather than a table? The only reason to want to lose an attack should be special cases involving your opponent having Stubborn, but wanting to lose a defense can be at least slightly more common.

Edit: Or maybe it could be given as an in-game choice when you pick the card?

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 27 June 2020, 10:27
by Idsky
I can probably add a random 6 or 7 cube option. Are there any good maps we could add? Probably best to stay within the 5x5 grid though.

The BGA framework options page isn't completely customisable, the developer just makes a list of fixed options. I wish I could put images of maps on it!

auto-reroll of defeats (and auto accept wins as-is) toggle-option is interesting… not needed for scrappy since that is just on your own turn. Will consider it but I will try and get graphics updated first. If you have both cruel and relentless it should do the one with the best chance first.

The studio project I'm playing with is called "qtest". It may break temporarily when I'm working on it. Last thing I'm doing for my first update is better use of available screen space.

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 27 June 2020, 16:17
by galehar
Ratburntro44 wrote: 26 June 2020, 19:45 For battle rerolling, is it possible to make options that are configurable for a player (ideally in a way that persists) rather than a table?
It would be much simpler and makes more sense to have it on by default. For the rare case where you want to toggle it for a game, you don't want it to persist to the next.
Idsky wrote: 27 June 2020, 10:27Are there any good maps we could add?
There are 2 maps from the base game which are still missing. Too big to fit, but since you're optimizing the screen estate, maybe they'll fit. All other official maps are in (including the void and entanglement expansions). I'm not aware of any released fan made custom map, but there's already plenty of choice and variety.
Idsky wrote: 27 June 2020, 10:27The BGA framework options page isn't completely customisable, the developer just makes a list of fixed options. I wish I could put images of maps on it!
That would be very neat indeed, but not doable with the current framework.

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 27 June 2020, 19:34
by Ratburntro44
galehar wrote: 27 June 2020, 16:17
Ratburntro44 wrote: 26 June 2020, 19:45 For battle rerolling, is it possible to make options that are configurable for a player (ideally in a way that persists) rather than a table?
It would be much simpler and makes more sense to have it on by default. For the rare case where you want to toggle it for a game, you don't want it to persist to the next.
I don't understand this. It seems more likely to me that it would usually have to do with personal preference for level of control than for the specific game situation

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 27 June 2020, 23:06
by galehar
Ratburntro44 wrote: 27 June 2020, 19:34
galehar wrote: 27 June 2020, 16:17
Ratburntro44 wrote: 26 June 2020, 19:45 For battle rerolling, is it possible to make options that are configurable for a player (ideally in a way that persists) rather than a table?
It would be much simpler and makes more sense to have it on by default. For the rare case where you want to toggle it for a game, you don't want it to persist to the next.
I don't understand this. It seems more likely to me that it would usually have to do with personal preference for level of control than for the specific game situation
So, you'd personally prefer to have to confirm each time to have more control?
Does anyone have ever encountered the situation where you wanted to lose a fight or is it just a theoretical thing?
It certainly never happened to me in hundreds of games.

Re: Quantum update

Posted: 28 June 2020, 07:05
by Idsky
galehar wrote: 27 June 2020, 16:17
Idsky wrote: 27 June 2020, 10:27Are there any good maps we could add?
There are 2 maps from the base game which are still missing. Too big to fit, but since you're optimizing the screen estate, maybe they'll fit. All other official maps are in (including the void and entanglement expansions). I'm not aware of any released fan made custom map, but there's already plenty of choice and variety.

And 2P in arena please
Landscape mode on phones could just about manage 6 or 7 tile wide maps BUT BGA automatically puts the player boards down the right hand side whenever their CSS deems the screen wide enough, which makes it not wide enough for wide quantum maps. Landscape mode should be the best way to play on phone but because of this issue, portrait mode is better. I don't think it's wise to try any override this BGA responsive CSS but I may have a look. I could support 5x7 maps. 6+ with scaling down may work alright (user can of course pinch zoom). I've got the map and cards scaling up automatically on bigger screens (and fixed the animations between map and non-scaled player boards). No more playing with a zoomed-in browser for me!

2P Arena: I think the Arena config is something the BGA admins set up. We could ask. Or we could all agree to look for arena games at the same time!