Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Mr_Magic »

Kingmaking is not allowed in the site rules, so if this happens in a 3p+ game then report it and let the site admins deal with it.

If its a 2P game then any points I stop you from scoring is beneficial to me. this is to be expected.

Some people just like making pretty cities and nice landscapes, but this game is far more competitive than that. Lots of fighting over cities and fields, figuring out how to latch onto a city someone else has spent time building is a great strategy .

Al games other than training games on this site should be considered competative since they grant ELO respective to your opponents and their own ratings

Those that wish to play in a way different to the rules should use training games where there is no ELO or make a game group for like minded players to try to limit those who join their game . This is a perfectly valid way to want to pay, but one cannot roll into a public rated game and expect people to play by your own personal ethos.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Bird2018 »

Meeplelowda wrote: 08 March 2023, 08:20
Bird2018 wrote: 08 March 2023, 07:58I really hate it and wish there was a way to weed out those kinds of players.
You can create a safe space with like minded people. There are others in this thread who would join.
That is a great idea! Thank you. I am relatively new to this site and didn’t even think of the idea that it might be possible to create a space like that. I’ll look more into how to do that. In the meantime, if anyone else starts something like that let me know. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who has noticed this trend. Strategic blocking I understand, this is blocking when there are tons of other options at the beginning of a game
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Meeplelowda »

Bird2018 wrote: 21 March 2023, 01:46
Meeplelowda wrote: 08 March 2023, 08:20
Bird2018 wrote: 08 March 2023, 07:58I really hate it and wish there was a way to weed out those kinds of players.
You can create a safe space with like minded people. There are others in this thread who would join.
That is a great idea! Thank you. I am relatively new to this site and didn’t even think of the idea that it might be possible to create a space like that. I’ll look more into how to do that.
Go to the Public Groups page and click on "Create a new group" at the bottom of the page.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Deejay19 »

I am upset as my reputation has gone down and I have been accused of kingmaking. I really don't know which game it is although it might be Carcassonne. I only play Azul, Catan and Carcassonne.

In Carcassonne I do sometimes complete other people's cities to steal their goods. Could that be kingmaker? I'm not sure. In Catan I have sometimes been completely blocked but always thought that was part of the game. Also sometimes in Catan I might target a player if they target me a lot , or they are winning or if I think they might have some goods I want. Particularly in Catan I have come across some quite aggressive and rude players.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Mr_Magic »

The way you have described it it seems fine, it's certainly the way to play carcassonne.

When you say you've been accused, is this just from chat from players or from some official BGA communication?
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Deejay19 »

Hi Its from BGA it seems overnight my reputation went from 100% to 60% and I really don't know where I went wrong. I do sometimes play from t he same Ip address as my husband but we are quite competitive, play in different rooms and certainly don't gang up on people.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by TracFouine »

I can make fun to block the mapples of a player but that strategy schould not be permanent, unless you whish to waste the pleasure of a specific player... When a player is persecuting you, you might blacklist him sothat you won't meet again.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by CabooseDa2nd »

I encountered this in a tournament where 2 games in a row the same 2 players targeted me specifically while letting the 4th player go. Was very frustrating and it it cost me 3rd in the tournament and slipped me to 6th. I could accept if they wanted to finish ahead of me, but they both were already ahead and seemed daft to attack me rather than each other when they both had a chance of winning the tournament.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by Tom_G »

That's the game. Absurd to thumbs down people for it, unless its a 3+ person game and feels particularly targeted. Even in a 3+ person game, getting into a war with another until the point where it's dragging you both down is part of the game's psychology - you have to know when to walk away, even if it's frustrating because your opponent isn't playing rationally/optimally.
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Re: Players that target a specific player instead of playing to win

Post by pbjme »

Competitive play in Carcassonne relies on a mixture of laying tiles to score for yourself and block your opponent, especially in the base game. Sometimes a 2p game can devolve into a tit-for-tat as players allow their frustration to trump tactical play - but this is a part of the game.
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