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Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 26 February 2016, 23:29
by ASD80
Right now I see that game was translated on russian as "Без остановки" = "Without stop". And this translation does not correspond to the idea of the game.

I don't know how is it hard to rename an already translated game but I suggest (if it's possible) to translate it to "Не остановиться" or "Невозможно остановиться".
You can see the description about this game on my native language here: where its named like "Невозможно остановиться". And this is correct translation, but I prefer "Не остановиться" for its brevity.


Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 29 February 2016, 10:18
by Een

Thanks for your feedback on this translation.
Can't stop has been published in a lot of languages. Has it ever been published in Russian?
If yes, it's best to use the published name. If not, I'll change the translation to "Не остановиться" as you suggest.

Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 01 March 2016, 15:49
by ASD80
I tried to find translated and published game in Russia. Unfortunately all what I found - is some box versions selling in my country, but main title was always untranslated ("Can't Stop").
Even on russian game rules ( ... -cant-stop) - its name was untouched.

If someone from this forum knows the published version of this game with translated title, I hope he will write here about that.

Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 02 March 2016, 11:17
by Een
Well, then I can either revert the translation to the original name "Can't stop" or change it to "Не остановиться". What do you think is best for the Russian players?

Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 02 March 2016, 19:24
by ASD80
I think, translated title would be better for players.

Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 03 March 2016, 00:48
by Een
Allright, "Не остановиться" it is, then! Just changed it, will take effect tomorrow.
Thanks for your input.

Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 26 March 2016, 13:35
by ASD80
Hi again!
I see that old translation of title is back, but I didn't found the reason on this forum... Why it was reverted?

Re: Wrong translation of "Can't Stop" game on Russian

Posted: 27 March 2016, 11:17
by Een
From the translation history, it has been reverted by a Russian translator (stst).
stst is a longtime player and contributor on BGA so I'm sure he did it in good faith (and probably didn't read this thread).
The best would be to discuss this in PM with him and/or start a Russian language forum for translators about the Russian translation (translations are not a black and white thing so it's best if the fine points can be discussed between players of the language to reach consensus).