My biggest gripe is that in 1v1 games as it is, it is completely unbalanced. 2 things makes it such, and to be honest, neither one by themselves breaks the game, but in combination, it makes it nearly impossible to have a fair game.
1) Ghost - overpowered ability that completely disrupts game play. Always picked first by any competent player because, shooting is no longer a relevant factor even for Django. The game revolves around looting and punching and getting into position to do so. When mixed with Cheyenne or Doc, almost never lose given the synergy.
2) The player that picks first also plays first - there are advantages to playing last but almost none of them apply to two player games. Mixed with Ghost's hidden first play ability, they basically get to take advantage of it 60% of the game.
Like I said, neither one of these by itself is overpowering, but when the player that picks first has both advantage, i win nearly 100% of my game minue a god-awful draw. Happy to play training game with anyone to prove my theory.