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[Polish] Translation

Posted: 14 April 2012, 11:33
by vonHell
Here is a topic for all polish translators.
I also have a general question: Are there strings for translations like: LB_IN_GAME, LB_RELEASE? I tried to find them using the searcher.
I also noticed that when I try to search some phrases, for example: "7th" (!transla ... L&find=7th) and when I get no results and re-click OK the browser doubles the phrase : (!transla ... ind=7th7th), which is quite a bug, I guess.

Cheers, vonHell

Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 17 April 2012, 18:42
by Een

Strings like LB_IN_GAME, LB_RELEASE are of course in the translation system, but we present the full english sentence mapping to them instead of just the key label (because that's what has to be translated). So for example you can search 'LB_RELEASE' in the main site module, you won't get anything. But if you search for 'Release', then you will get one untranslated entry, 'Release'. If you translate it, then it will be ok for the LB_RELEASE string. Generally speaking, you should aim for 100% on the 'main site' module to have a clean translation of the site interface.

And as for the search misdemeanor you mention, you are right, that's a bug ;)


Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 10 January 2013, 07:46
by Krasnal
Can I translate some topics in BGA Wiki? For example translation guidelines, so on the main page will be more friendly to Polish players?

Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 10 January 2013, 11:48
by Een
Hi Krasnal,

Yes, of course you can ;)

The wiki feature in BGA has been created just for this purpose. In fact, there is a wiki per language: when you edit in Polish, it will be displayed instead of for people browsing the site in Polish, without modification to the English version.

So in the main page ( to translate the entries you should use
* [[Translation guidelines|Wskazówki na temat tłumaczenia]]
rather than
* [[Wskazówki na temat tłumaczenia]]


Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 11 January 2013, 10:28
by Krasnal
Ok, some translation in Puerto Rico done.
I have one more question.Can Iput link to polish intruction in .pdf ?
I add this link by the "add link form" above Achievements, but still waiting to werify it by BGA crew.
Dwarf ;)

Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 18 February 2013, 20:33
by clorox
Mistake in aproved polish Quarto! translation.

WRONG: "Small pieces played" => "Teraz grały mały klocki"
CORRECT: "Small pieces played" => "Teraz grały małe klocki"

Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 18 February 2013, 22:44
by Een

Thanks for reporting this mistake, I fixed it.


Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 21 February 2013, 11:51
by clorox

I want translate Quoridor to polish but I found a lot of strings is missing in translation page (ex. "${player} move his pawn" etc)
Please correct this and I'll make rest of the translation.


Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 21 February 2013, 23:51
by Een

Oops, we forgot something while deploying the game.
Thanks for reporting it, it is now fixed.


Re: [Polish] Translation

Posted: 19 April 2013, 19:20
by mantra
Hey guys, I don't know who to write to. There is an error in the Polish translation of one card in Libertalia: French Officer is translated as "Francuzki oficer" it should be "Francuski..."

Who should I write to correct this?