Fan expansion wonders as a non-competitive variant

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Wonderful Plays
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Fan expansion wonders as a non-competitive variant

Post by Wonderful Plays »


This is a question to the developers and owners, but also a discussion for the players.

I was wondering if we will ever get any expansions to 7 wonders on this site, I hope the answer is yes, but I know it may be due to licensing, so I was wondering if it was possible to just introduce some custom wonders from BGG (those that can be played with just the base version of the game), I have a lot of experience with various custom wonder and I can help try to curate the pool that we should add. I have also my custom set designed (not yet fully developed) that I can share if somebody was willing to implement them here.

How I see this? As a variant for play, the same way some variants on this side work. Of course it wouldn't be played in Arena, but I think it will add a lot of replayability at a very low cost.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Fan expansion wonders as a non-competitive variant

Post by Xapa »

Hi Jaspingrobus,

I think that adding new wonders would be great and already add a lot of replayability.
Of course, adding the 'official' new wonders would be better as (I guess) the ultimate goal for 7Wonders/RProd is to sell more physical version of its Wonder Pack, and games. Experiencing here those new Wonders would actually probably convince me to buy those new Wonders for my physical game.
As I don't have any ideas regarding the Licensing discussion, introducing Fan-Made wonders would be great (but may complicate discussions... or not - I have seen such a debat on the comment section of this (french) website ... xtensions/).

That being said, it's clear that adding Fan-Wonders could be great:
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