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Stats on wining with rhinos

Posted: 18 September 2020, 23:23
by gilco
I think we all agree that the advantage of first move is stronger in siam that in many other games ;) . Checking my stats i would like to distinguish the games i played with the rhinos and the ones with the elephants. It would be interesting to see the different rates of win or loss playing rhinos or elephants.
Who would agree? Could bga add this precision to he stats? Would it be useful also for other tactical games ? The only game i know that treats this problem is go with the komi and maybe hex in a different way.
Additional question : would it be a good idea to count a bonus to points awarded for a win when you win with the rhinos ?

Re: Stats on wining with rhinos

Posted: 25 September 2020, 22:49
by Shobu
i don't know if you can read french, but there is an interesting discussion on trying to balance the 2P side: ... 46&t=20003

On boiteajeux:
8032 matches, 4275 elephant wins ( 53.224% )

No idea about the expert board..

Re: Stats on wining with rhinos

Posted: 01 October 2020, 22:43
by gilco
Merci pour le lien. Discussion intéressante. Ça répond tout à fait à mes questions