Showing coins needed

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Showing coins needed

Post by Yeloow82 »

Can I make a suggestion for enhancement. I notice when you have something like like Olympia and you use the wonder for free first card, it shows a + and then coins it would have taken to do it. Can you do that with all cards. For example this is relevant for something like Babylon. If you have two cards at the end and need to discard one and then play the other you know it's possible to play it versus discarding a card for sure you know you can't play. Same with stage. There are times when you can't play it at all, so just having the x there with no coins meaning that you can't play it as the resources don't exist. Versus having an x and then 6 coins meaning right now you can't play it, but it is possible if you get coins.
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Re: Showing coins needed

Post by frogstar_A »

There is a facility to make suggestions - click on Community and then Bug Reports and you can make a suggestion as well as report a bug.
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