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no AUTO anymore?

Posted: 13 December 2020, 10:22
by nccc
past: I have 5 dices for develop, a 3 cost tile and a 2 cost tile just under it.
I DONT have to choose which dices to use, it AUTO finish those two tiles.

now: Same situation, but I HAVE to choose which dices to use. WHY??

Re: no AUTO anymore?

Posted: 09 January 2021, 07:25
by Ty-Guy6
I don't remember not having that choice. If the number of dice is not equal to or less than the number you need for the top tile, it will ask you to choose. There are a few exceptions, I think, such as when all your dice are the same color, or it's the last round of the game. But I haven't seen a behavior change, recently.