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Settings for arena

Posted: 05 January 2021, 04:57
by eyebooger
Is there any reason that the setting for Arena mode is hidden domain cards?

I've always played with visible, and looking at the non-Arena games being played, just about everyone else does too.

Does anyone think it's better with them hidden?

Re: Settings for arena

Posted: 05 January 2021, 08:59
by T72on1
I always play with them visible too. I should play with hidden a couple of times to have something to say about the difference though. Maybe it's more tactical?

Re: Settings for arena

Posted: 25 February 2021, 03:32
by lincoln9818
I agree. No point for making them hidden as in turn base we can still mark down what colors our opponents had, if so why not change it to visible for our convenience?

Re: Settings for arena

Posted: 29 March 2021, 15:41
by eyebooger
Can anyone say if any thought has been given to changing the Arena settings for next season?

Re: Settings for arena

Posted: 24 June 2021, 19:05
by Steeple
I can not agree more. In this game you really need to keep track of the cards played in previous rounds. This is just forcing people to keep notes and that really is a hassle if you play on cell phone turn based.

and turn based it is just impossbile nog to know what card was stolen and returned if someone plays the dart on you.

Does anybody know how to contact BGA about this? I feel this thread is not being read bij moderators.