2nd worst game on bga

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2nd worst game on bga

Post by Pantherena »

This is a no game, "game" (it is presented as a game, but it, in no way resembles one) You don't have to know how to play, you just have to be Hyde. I don't know what the devs were thinking here, but it totally lacks balance. As hyde, you just give up all the tricks, as jekyl, you just lose. There is no other option. This is the second worst "game" on bga.
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Re: 2nd worst game on bga

Post by Taz33 »

that's not true, I was thinking like u at first but after some tries, this GAME is extra
It's a real challenge to win with Jekyll but that's excellent and it's the one I prefer play.
You should try again and maybe (I hope) u will change your mind. ;)
(Sorry for my bad english langage, I'm french :lol: )
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Re: 2nd worst game on bga

Post by lucygeorges »

I've just tried this game, and obviously missed the whole point of it. I'm not sure that the presentation video explains the subtlety of the challenge. As a trick-taking game I just assumed that the point was to win as many tricks as possible, and if you do so as Jekyll you're up sh*t creek. I suspect there will be many who try the game and have a negative reaction simply because the game is somewhat difficult to grasp, despite the basic mechanics being so simple.
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Re: 2nd worst game on bga

Post by JusterGame »

Just played for the first time, and think it's an ACE.

There is a lot to this make to make it very playable. I thought the way that card colours and potions influenced the game were definite 'extras' - they add challenge and excitement.
But it is CRUCIAL to appreciate that the evil Mr Hyde is trying to get all the way along the ten points of the play-track, in order to overpower the angst driven Dr Jekyll.
His idea of heaven (?) would be either for HIM to win all ten in a turn, or for Jekyll to do so.
So, each turn, Hyde wants the biggest gap possible between his score and Jekyll's. The numbers of tricks difference determines how far he will move.
Jekyll, though, wants Hyde to go as short a distance as possible.
Whoever is playing Jekyll will be tasked with the goal of trying to NEITHER score too many, nor too few. His perfect outcome would be for each to win five tricks.
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Re: 2nd worst game on bga

Post by Bigspoon816 »

I played this for the first time against a good friend of mine who is an excellent board gamer. I played Jekyll and Hyde advanced in the first two rounds. The goal in the third round for me was to have Jekyll win five trick and for Hyde to win five tricks so there would be no movement. Through careful card play and use of the potion cards I was able to accomplish this and won the game. It was a very good game. I liked the game a lot and look forward to playing it again.
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Re: 2nd worst game on bga

Post by lucienlachance »

Pantherena wrote: 11 January 2021, 00:34 This is a no game, "game" (it is presented as a game, but it, in no way resembles one) You don't have to know how to play, you just have to be Hyde. I don't know what the devs were thinking here, but it totally lacks balance. As hyde, you just give up all the tricks, as jekyl, you just lose. There is no other option. This is the second worst "game" on bga.
This is totally wrong.
The game is really good, it is much more complex than it looks and very strategic. You have not understood anything about the game . The game is very good on the side of Dr.Jekyll or Mr.Hyde. It's very balanced. You just have to learn how to play. Don't judge the game in 2 minutes...
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Re: 2nd worst game on bga

Post by markinsand »

I struggle as Hyde and do better as Jekyll
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