Elite solo

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Elite solo

Post by Thivan »

Je suis en OR-Solo. Obligé de gagner les parties pour monter de niveau. Même être second ne sert à rien puisqu'on ne gagne rien et on perd autant de niveau en étant troisième qu'en gagnant une partie. C'est franchement décourageant. Quasi obligé de gagner 5 fois de suite pour monter en élite. J'arrête Solo en arène.
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Re: Elite solo

Post by KongKing123 »

Well, that's how Arena works: you have to be able to consistently outperform your league to promote (or get a lucky streak). There are only 4 Elite players right now, so this is quite difficult.

It becomes easier when there are more Elite players, since you will get more points when playing against them, even when finishing second.
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Re: Elite solo

Post by Thivan »

I had not understood, in fact it is necessary to let others open the way and enjoy their work
it does not solve the problem of the distribution of points unfair, but finally we do not care, let the others do it
So I understood: the more elite players there are, the easier the gold league will be to reach elite :D
I continue in the arena as soon as there are dozens of players in elite, they will do the job for others.
It's rotten as reasoning, but that's how Arena works as you say
thanks for the idea
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Re: Elite solo

Post by KongKing123 »

You still need to have the skill required to actually beat Elite players consistently enough. But since the game is also very luck-based, your win rate could be similar regardless of league, so on average you'd gain more points playing against higher ranks.

This wouldn't work in Chess for example, where you'd just lose every time if you don't belong in the league.
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Re: Elite solo

Post by Thivan »

Décidément, je viens de vivre une première en ce qui me concerne.
Je termine à égalité avec un autre joueur. 415 à 415
Pourtant, je me retrouve à la dernière place et perd 22 points. L'autre est troisième et perd 5 points.
Qu'est qu'on va encore me sortir comme règle stupide qui justifie cela ?
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Re: Elite solo

Post by Yasten »

Euhh... En réalité, l'interface me donne égal en 3e pour les 2... Pas besoin de se fier à l'ordre donné dans l'écran de résultats pour ça...
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