Precision about rule Bug unable to grow after eating

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Precision about rule Bug unable to grow after eating

Post by gilco »

Rules state that a bug which wouldn't have space to grow after eating can't eat. Okay for that. But it isn't stated what happens at the next move. Apparently in the game the opponent plays normally and at the end of his turn the bug unable to eat is considered having been eaten by the opponent bug. So the opponent bug grows ?
It seems a part of the rule that needs explanation. Is it correct?
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El Poopo
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Re: Precision about rule Bug unable to grow after eating

Post by El Poopo »

Hey. Thanks for asking. This is covered in the eating rule: "All your bugs which are adjacent to one or more enemy bugs of the same shape (but not necessarily the same orientation) must eat (capture) those enemy bugs."
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Re: Precision about rule Bug unable to grow after eating

Post by gilco »

Thanks. That's logical. Same rule applies.
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