Patchwork Americana edition, hover text

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Jest Phulin
Posts: 1856
Joined: 08 July 2013, 21:50

Patchwork Americana edition, hover text

Post by Jest Phulin »

I went ahead and submitted the change request, but I like to leave a trail when making changes.

When hovering over the place for special patches (1x1) in Patchwork, and only in the Americana edition time board, when the patch has already been taken the message "Place for special patch, if this see this - patch is gone" is displayed.

There are two issues with this phrasing:
First, "if this see this" is not proper English. "If you can see this," or "if this is visible" are better. Even better would be to state what the "this" represents, most likely "this image."

Second, these are two distinct clauses and should therefore be separated with a semicolon instead of a comma. But this is based on writing styles taught 30 years ago, and I know some standards have changed since then.
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