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Forge is awarding more VP than it should

Posted: 27 August 2021, 22:27
by CoconutTank
For the record, as I understand it, Forge's special ability awards only 1 VP to its owner each time the owner builds a building after Forge. A player can assign a worker to the Forge to get 2 VP per turn during income, but that is different from the problem I'm addressing here.

I haven't checked in awhile to see if this was already fixed, but in a few games of Homesteaders that I was present for, I've seen Forge award additional VP for building via a mysterious [object Object]. I've documented this bug and posted some pictures of it in

While the additional VP from Forge may not seem like a lot, it's still enough to flip a game. Consider as an example. In this game, Chopin99 got 2 more VP than they should've from [object Object] (which only follows from Chopin99's Forge). This additional VP was enough to put them in 2nd place instead of 3rd.