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Turn based mode?

Posted: 14 October 2021, 00:34
by caiopsoares

I am sure there is a way to play Coup in turn based mode...

Please! :roll:

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 21 November 2021, 08:01
by __Mac__
Can you elaborate? Im confused.

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 23 November 2021, 01:55
by sp4nishlab
Yes!! Please someone allow this game to be played turn based mode instead of only real time. This game is essentially dead in arena without a turn based option as it is impossible to start a game. Mods and gurus help!!!!!!

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 23 November 2021, 12:50
by Mr_Magic
I think the reasoning was that the game has many interruptible actions, and those interruptions can be made by any player in the game.

A turn based game would essentially have to allow each player to OK every action by every other player and so would become a very drawn out, and quite frankly boring process

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 23 November 2021, 16:34
by Bubamara5
Have automatics selection for allow or not a role could be hepfull and permit a turn based implementation. for example : ambassador : allow - ask me - denied.
Coup is not the best game to be played turn based, but I'm sure they will be player to play it even if is not optimized. (It's not the first topics which ask a turn based mode).

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 01 December 2021, 13:49
by quietmint
Mr_Magic wrote: 23 November 2021, 12:50 I think the reasoning was that the game has many interruptible actions, and those interruptions can be made by any player in the game.

A turn based game would essentially have to allow each player to OK every action by every other player and so would become a very drawn out, and quite frankly boring process
Yes, this, and the point of the game is quick response. You shouldn't have the option to sit and think about "is this person lying" for minutes, hours, days on end. The entire point of this game is snap decision making.

I will not enable turn-based Coup. It's entirety against the spirit of the game.

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 25 August 2023, 16:31
by kevan
In multiplayer Coup you're up against other players who may call a bluff more quickly if you hesitate, but this doesn't apply to two-player games. Playing the physical game with cards, there's nothing in the rules to prevent a two-player opponent from humming and hawing and taking ten minutes to decide whether to call a bluff.

Two-player Coup certainly isn't the game at its best, but I was surprised to find BGA completely barring me from starting a turn-based two-player tournament of it.

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 25 August 2023, 16:56
by ufm
Currently it's not possible to partially limit turn-based mode.

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 27 August 2023, 19:23
by kevan
Thanks, that makes more sense.

Re: Turn based mode?

Posted: 26 November 2023, 20:54
by Malk
But, it's impossible to play Coup, a few days I'm trying and never complete the table, in turn based would be more easy.

Another games, like Catan, have many shared actions amd works fine, takes long, but don't longer than forming a table actually