Dear players,
Today we are happy to introduce a full redesign of the top right area of BGA, including the top right Player menu, the friends menu, and the table icon.
This change is the next step in making the BGA interface simpler, more intuitive and more powerful for everyone, beginners and regular players alike. Obviously, changing our habits is not an easy thing to do, but if you have played on BGA for a long time you will know that we always prefer to move forward, keep the interface evolving and take risks, rather than sticking with an interface that is older and older and not adapted to new features/usages/players.
We have carefully tested this new design over the past weeks and have enjoyed it a lot. BGA is a complex service with many features, and many of you use it in many different ways, so now we need your feedback on this change to make sure it fits your usage of BGA: do not hesitate to post your thoughts here.
Here is a summary of the changes:
Top right Player menu
Previously, this menu was mostly here for navigation, without much information.
We drastically improved it by integrating the information you need directly into the menu. This way, you can check and use all of the items on this menu without leaving the BGA page you are currently on.
Some nice new features:
- Your karma score is directly visible in this menu.
- Using the "tables" tab, you now have immediate access to a quick view of your tables (in progress and looking for opponents). Using this, you can navigate between all of these tables wherever you are on BGA.
- Using the "notifications" tab, you can now check your latest notifications without leaving the page you are on.
- Using the "messages" tab, you can check your latest chat messages and access them again from anywhere on BGA.
Friends menu
The friends menu has been enhanced with many features:
- You can now find players directly from this menu, and request their friendship (or filter your friends to find one specifically).
- You can start a chat with one of your friends directly from the menu.
Tip: if you click on a player's avatar, you can display a nice popup with info & actions relating to this player.
Table icon
We totally redesigned this icon to make it more meaningful, informative and usable.
This icon (and the new "tables" tab in the Player menu) have replaced the green/brown horizontal banners that were constantly displayed on top of BGA when you had a table in progress ("You are playing XXX" or "You are waiting on X tables"). These banners were "bumping" the whole interface up and down, making the rest of the website less usable. This new icon is now the way to access your tables in progress, whether you are playing turn based or in realtime.
Changes are always difficult- and this change is not the last one you are going to see- but as we said previously, our spirit at BGA has always been to move forward. We advise you to test these new features for several days and wait until you are used to them before posting your feedback here. That said, if you find a bug or something that requires an emergency fix, please do not wait!
Thanks for helping us make this service better!
Today we are happy to introduce a full redesign of the top right area of BGA, including the top right Player menu, the friends menu, and the table icon.
This change is the next step in making the BGA interface simpler, more intuitive and more powerful for everyone, beginners and regular players alike. Obviously, changing our habits is not an easy thing to do, but if you have played on BGA for a long time you will know that we always prefer to move forward, keep the interface evolving and take risks, rather than sticking with an interface that is older and older and not adapted to new features/usages/players.
We have carefully tested this new design over the past weeks and have enjoyed it a lot. BGA is a complex service with many features, and many of you use it in many different ways, so now we need your feedback on this change to make sure it fits your usage of BGA: do not hesitate to post your thoughts here.
Here is a summary of the changes:
Top right Player menu
Previously, this menu was mostly here for navigation, without much information.
We drastically improved it by integrating the information you need directly into the menu. This way, you can check and use all of the items on this menu without leaving the BGA page you are currently on.
Some nice new features:
- Your karma score is directly visible in this menu.
- Using the "tables" tab, you now have immediate access to a quick view of your tables (in progress and looking for opponents). Using this, you can navigate between all of these tables wherever you are on BGA.
- Using the "notifications" tab, you can now check your latest notifications without leaving the page you are on.
- Using the "messages" tab, you can check your latest chat messages and access them again from anywhere on BGA.
Friends menu
The friends menu has been enhanced with many features:
- You can now find players directly from this menu, and request their friendship (or filter your friends to find one specifically).
- You can start a chat with one of your friends directly from the menu.
Tip: if you click on a player's avatar, you can display a nice popup with info & actions relating to this player.
Table icon
We totally redesigned this icon to make it more meaningful, informative and usable.
This icon (and the new "tables" tab in the Player menu) have replaced the green/brown horizontal banners that were constantly displayed on top of BGA when you had a table in progress ("You are playing XXX" or "You are waiting on X tables"). These banners were "bumping" the whole interface up and down, making the rest of the website less usable. This new icon is now the way to access your tables in progress, whether you are playing turn based or in realtime.
Changes are always difficult- and this change is not the last one you are going to see- but as we said previously, our spirit at BGA has always been to move forward. We advise you to test these new features for several days and wait until you are used to them before posting your feedback here. That said, if you find a bug or something that requires an emergency fix, please do not wait!
Thanks for helping us make this service better!