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Is there a way to zoom in/out maps ?

Posted: 28 December 2021, 14:52
by Petar_Grozni
Hello all,

is there a way to zoom in/out maps ? I think it would be nice feature to get better overview of the game progressing.

All the best in 2022 !


Re: Is there a way to zoom in/out maps ?

Posted: 28 December 2021, 19:05
by Octothorpe
CTRL + Scroll Wheel :)

Re: Is there a way to zoom in/out maps ?

Posted: 29 December 2021, 17:52
by RedSam
+1 with a +/- zoom/unzoom !
Ctrl-0,... works but it zooms/unzooms any BGA window :/

(greta game, BTW !)

edit : Good Grief, There IS a +/- (in the right column !!)

Re: Is there a way to zoom in/out maps ?

Posted: 10 January 2022, 18:25
by TrimChris
What about for tablets and phones?

Re: Is there a way to zoom in/out maps ?

Posted: 21 January 2022, 17:47
by bidulpik
Hi, I've got the same question.
On tablet and phone I wanna add a zoom in / zoom out button, as I already see in some games.
Do you know what technology do they use ?
Do they add a zoom multiplying factor to all coordonate and size or is there another way to do this.

I dont wanna start a solution if it exists better than the multiplying factor

best regards

Re: Is there a way to zoom in/out maps ?

Posted: 21 January 2022, 17:52
by WetDogIsHappy
There is a zoom slider on the top left.
There are +/- buttons on the right.
Cntrl- mouse wheel while pointer is over the map for mouse folk.