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Why so few people wanting to play real time games?

Posted: 07 January 2022, 16:33
by Swfcdan
I recently started playing Keyflower on BGA and really love it. The simplicity yet complex strategies show why it is regarded as a classic, and it has long term replayability with all the different tiles. And it's a game I'm strongly considering getting for myself to play with a group.

But I'm really puzzled why there is such little interest in real-time games here on BGA. I've made a lot of rooms recently, and can only ever get 2P games going. I have had a couple of 3P games when organised with friends and it is a blast and much more interesting (though 2P is still suprisingly fun). When I list as 3P, people will join, and then soon lose patience and leave, and it seems like people don't like anything more than 2P for no apparent reason - I guess time, but even 3P games can be done in an hour, or even faster if people are more experienced.

And yes I have tried turn-based games (am currently in a couple now), but they really aren't for me. I like having a strategy and playing a game out in one sitting, not having to continually revisit a game and remember what my strategy was, and then have to wait some time again. Yet KF turn-based games are way more popular here which does puzzle me, as surely others have the same problem? But turn-based games have never been my thing I guess.

Anyway would some people who see this be interested in a real time 3 player (or heck even 4! :) game sometime?

Re: Why so few people wanting to play real time games?

Posted: 10 February 2022, 18:09
by bacdad
I just found this site and we played together earlier. It would be awesome if real time games filled quicker.