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Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 20 January 2022, 10:55
by zoilean
This is a great adaptation and I love that it has a limited time confirm/undo option.
But the time is so short that it's effectively useless.
By the time you've noticed your mistake it's too late.
And on a mobile you haven't got a chance of scrolling up to find the button in time.

Please could it be made longer - at least for turn based games.
Then this would be perfect!

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 20 January 2022, 11:14
by thoun
You can disable time in your user preferences ;)

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 27 January 2022, 03:23
by JouleofDenial
Please don’t make the confirm/undo time longer for real-time games.

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 27 January 2022, 09:03
by thoun
I won't. It fits for many people, and those annoyed can disable it, but by default it will stay the same.

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 17 February 2022, 04:26
by Sara2Shots

Terribly sorry to be posting about azul on a thread not related to my question, but it is my first time using the forum and I don’t know how to start my own thread. My question is how is it decided who gets to go first in azul once you have hit start? I play with the same friend generally and it seems like they have been selected to start first 29/30 games we have played. Any idea why this might be? With other games it is usually random… Thanks in advance.

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 17 February 2022, 08:53
by thoun
It is random on Azul too, it uses the same mechanism as other games. It's just bad luck.

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 06 March 2022, 00:01
by Cos-
How do you disable it? I only play turn-based games, and none of the other games I play have a timer at all. Why should a turn-based game ever have a timer for the end of turn confirmation? I don't get what the purpose of it is. And since none of the others I've played have that, why does this game have it?

Re: Longer Confirm/Undo please!

Posted: 06 March 2022, 02:53
by thoun
The user preferences are on the top right menu when you're in a game.
The timer is copied from Welcome to and Splendor, some other games have it ;)