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Posted: 24 January 2022, 22:02
by sigille
je débute sur BGA et je ne comprends pas comment est notée la réputation. je n'ai fait que 6 jeux: 1 jeu d' echecs ( jeu que je connais bien)et 5 "concept", jeu auquel je n'avais jamais joué. ma réputation est à 75 avec 5 horloges. qu'est ce que ça veut dire? merci de m'expliquer . sigille

Re: réputation

Posted: 24 January 2022, 22:15
by Silene
When you register, you start at 75% reputation. Every finished game that you played within your time limit gains you +1 reputation. That's why you are on 76% now: you played 1 game within the time limit.

If you quit a game (or get kicked, which might happen when other players were not ok with you exceeding your time limit), you lose 20 rep.

Concept is not best game to stay within the limit, but as it's a friendly fun game, people are maybe not kicking so easily. However if you want to build up more rep., you need to play faster or play with a slower time setting.

Re: réputation

Posted: 25 January 2022, 01:20
by RicardoRix
Specifically the game Concept has something strange going on with the players time, and giving out far too many time penalties.

Every game you played of Concept you have received a time-penalty. The same also happens for me.

Strange when it's effectively a friendly, semi co-op game.

Here is a can't fix bug report about it:

Re: réputation

Posted: 25 January 2022, 11:36
by sigille
merci de vos réponses. j'ai compris le principe. Mais , du coup, quand on débute, on a forcément une mauvaise réputation puisqu'on est très long à trouver les icones du jeu qu'on n'a jamais vues avant Alors je me demande: comment on fait pour s'entraîner quand on débute?

Re: réputation

Posted: 25 January 2022, 13:35
by Silene
You can use Training Mode when setting up a game. If you do, you have no time limit and your reputation is not affected.

However - you do not have a bad reputation. Collecting a few clocks when learning a game is really no problem :). Also it won't happen as easily on other games - Concept is a special case in which you go out of time much easier than in other games. But if you have a friendly group to play with, you don't need to worry much. Best talk to them when something is difficult or unclear how to do.

Re: réputation

Posted: 25 January 2022, 13:36
by RicardoRix
You can use 'training mode' in the game options. (rather than 'normal')

Specifically for Concept I would always use this mode, otherwise you will receive time penalties.