Design change

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Re: Design change

Post by Marif1607 »

Moi, ce qui me surprend vraiment beaucoup, c'est que de nouveaux joueurs ne restent pas sur le site à cause d'un design qui ne leur semble pas assez moderne?? Je trouve assez hallucinant, pour ne pas dire ridicule de s'arrêter à ça! Soit on aime réellement les jeux de société et on fait avec le graphisme et tous les détails qu'on aime ou pas, soit on aime pas tant que ça jouer et autant aller voir ailleurs...

Perso, moi qui joue depuis 2014, je n'ai pas spécialement apprécié tous les changements, même si je finis par faire avec... Est-ce que je vais arrêter de jouer car tout ne me plaît pas!? Ben non, c'est insensé! BGA offre une grande quantité de jeux pour tous les goûts, très bien développés sur le site, le reste importe peu. Sauf quand même une plus grande facilité d'utilisation sur certains détails mais l'apparence, s'arrêter à ça, je ne comprends vraiment pas! :shock:

Et il y aura toujours des gens qui aiment ou pas les changements car c'est une question de goût mais au bout du compte, ça perturbe chaque fois les anciens joueurs fidèles et tout ça pourquoi? Pour des joueurs tellement peu motivés d'être là et de s'amuser aux jeux, qu'ils préfèrent partir car le graphisme n'est pas au top de la modernité! Excusez-moi mais j'ai un gros doute sur le sérieux de joueurs comme ça ensuite, s'ils restent jouer sur BGA...

Voilà mon avis de joueuse qui est là depuis 7 ans et demi
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Re: Design change mobile website

Post by thoun »

Lord von Smith wrote: 26 January 2022, 06:35 The Burger menu looks confusing because you have the three lines on the left and the arrow on the right. This, to me, indicates two different menus, but they both do the same thing. The arrow is unneeded and confusing.
Agree! Phone users understand a burger menu, arrow is no useful at all.

Else it's way better, some space for fat fingers in the menu!
Glad to see Bga interested in mobile usage.
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Re: Design change

Post by qwertasdfg »

The two ways to access the menu are really weird, I agree with the posters above. When you see two buttons, you will expect them to behave differently. Burger menus are used and understood universally, the v arrow is the odd one out.

Also, I don't understand why I'm screamed at the whole time? If you need to put a header there so that we don't forget which part of the site we're on, why not write it out normally? Absolutely loathe the all-caps
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Re: Design change

Post by DrClick »

[FR] Il y a comme nous avons dit, beaucoup de changements en cours, et à venir.
Le but est de rendre la vie des joueurs plus agréable, et plus avenant pour les nouveaux.
Le plus difficile est de devoir s'adapter aux changements que l'on a sur une interface depuis des années.
Cela ne veut pas dire qu'elle était meilleure avant, simplement que l'on a pris des habitudes, bonnes ou mauvaises.
Notre travail est actuellement de rééquilibrer cela, et nous vous remercions pour les retours, positifs ou négatifs, que vous nous apportez.

Ce qui est formidable avec le web, c'est que rien n'est fixé dans le marbre. Et du coup, plus les retours sont pertinents et argumentés, plus nous pouvons les étudier et peser le pour où le contre de leur application.
Il est normal d'exprimer son mécontentement ou sa joie, et croyez bien qu'avec presque 8 millions d'utilisateurs, nous prenons soin de vérifier attentivement la pertinence de ce que nous mettons en place. Que ce soit définitif, où à but de test grandeur nature.

Notre but est de rendre l'expérience plaisante pour les nouveaux arrivants, tout autant que de satisfaire ceux qui sont là et nous soutiennent depuis des années.
On ne peut juste pas (plus?) rester statiques face aux lacunes d'ergonomie qui rebutent les utilisateurs moins habitués à des interfaces qui sont devenues, au fil du temps, aussi riches que complexes. Et garder toutes les fonctionnalités tout en les rendant plus accessibles, ou lisibles, est notre quête.
Merci à vous pour les retours!


There are as we said, many changes underway, and to come.
The goal is to make the life of the players more pleasant, and more friendly for the new ones.
The hardest part is having to adapt to changes that you've had on an interface for years.
That doesn't mean it was better before, it just means that you've picked up habits, good or bad.
Our job right now is to rebalance that, and we thank you for the feedback, positive or negative, that you bring to us.

The great thing about the web is that nothing is set in stone. And as a result, the more relevant and argued the feedback is, the more we can study it and weigh the pros and cons of its application.
It is normal to express discontent or joy, and believe me, with almost 8 million users, we take care to carefully check the relevance of what we put in place. Whether it's permanent, or a full-scale test.

Our goal is to make the experience enjoyable for newcomers, as well as to satisfy those who have been around and supporting us for years.
We just can't (anymore?) stay static in the face of usability gaps that put off users less accustomed to interfaces that have become, over time, both rich and complex. And keeping all the features while making them more accessible, or readable, is our quest.
Thanks to you for the feedback!

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Re: Design change

Post by shimmeringlight »

Can you please provide a general overview of what is expected to come in 2022 for BGA? Are some of the suggestions with the highest votes planned to be implemented on BGA in 2022, such as better privacy? There are a lot of suggestions in the "Bugs and Suggestions" part of BGA that have a lot of votes, but no comments from any BGA admins. Thank you.
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Re: Design change

Post by DrClick »

We will do it when the time comes.
We never make announcement of the incoming changes cause we don't want to fix public deadlines: things are ready when they are up to our standards, or expectations, at minimum.
And we prefer to talk about the pros and cons of the changes made than to have people expecting too much or too low of a feature that isn't available.

For topics like privacy, if you're following closely, things have started to move on : we added functions to accept or not private chat from strangers, as well as an option to co-opt to be friends or not, etc.
That's part of the evolutions we're bringing, and it's only the beginning.
Plenty of small changes are coming, some you can see, some that you don't.
But you can expect that 2022 is more oriented to user experience than any years before.
As told, bugs and suggestions are read and talked in our team, and we're dissecating every pros and cons about them.
It just takes time, and we're 24h a day on it (or close, but we need to sleep a bit :) )
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Re: Design change

Post by wpollock »

I don't have issues with the "Play Now" page, but my "Games" page now looks like this:

There seems to be some kind of scaling issue, since I don't think that extended background off to the right is what was intended. This is in Chrome.
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Re: Design change

Post by gnocchi donkey »

i wrote on discussions with no answer. How come i cannot keep my sound on for all effects since design change? I have sound all the way on. Ther is no sound. no notification. UNLEES i turn sound off then on again. EVERY game. Every time game end. If i leave current bga page (from view to "play now" if i decide to look what is available also) Please help or fix. I have looked all over st=etting to figure this out. only thing i can do is change "ringtone"
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Re: Design change

Post by Respublik »

The concern of pressing something through the sidebar, rather than in it, is still not wholesomely addressed. Recently, I've been having multiple incidents of unwillingly "doing" various things, from starting arena games, giving out green or red thumbs, opening notes writing, launching various stats pages, your social media, etc., while actually trying to open my tables.
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Re: Design change

Post by Morf73 »

The new interface isn't comfortable at all. Loading is slower and the page is more chaotic and much less intuitive. Also, the scrolling strips are really bad. I hope there will be an option to continue with the old layout.

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