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Possibility to ask for cancel move

Posted: 02 March 2022, 09:59
by GreenGrunt

I play with a friend in order to give him some basics and I would like to play with the possibility to cancel moves (with the autorisation of the opponent of course) and go back to previous positions.
I think this option would be suitable for training mode, I assume that there are reasons for the absence of this option, can you please explicit them.

Thank you in advance for your return.

Re: Possibility to ask for cancel move

Posted: 03 March 2022, 20:05
by RobertBr
There is a bug/suggestion system for this sort of thing. The games are built on a general framework and this is a complex feature that would likely be frowned on in general, the general philosophy is to allow a minimum of undo methods. If you want a fuller functionality there are other sites dedicated to Chess, you would be better off trying one of them.