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Highest losing scores

Posted: 29 April 2022, 18:19
by Firadeoclus
Hello, fellow Jaipur enthusiasts!

So far I took it as an unwritten rule that 80 points wins the round, as in my games the highest score that didn't win was an exact tie at 78-78. But now I played a game (table 261977614) with a round score of 86-82. :o

I am curious, what is the highest losing round score you have encountered so far? Especially in the context of competitive games.

Re: Highest losing scores

Posted: 24 July 2022, 20:07
by Amskire
I just lost with 84-85. I had 26 bonuspoints, but it was still not enough.
It was the first round in table #286005458.

Re: Highest losing scores

Posted: 14 September 2022, 12:45
by Firadeoclus
Oh wow, that was an insane round! And you both got below average bonus tokens, it could have been 87-92 with the highest value tokens.:shock: