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Discussion on Alpha Version of the tutorial

Posted: 02 May 2022, 18:25
by JürgiWürgi
Discussion of Alpha Tutorial that is under development by the kind mrbass and currently posted in the Guru section.
I will leave this opening post empty as of now so this can be used for status updates in case the discussion grows.

Re: Discussion on Alpha Version of the tutorial

Posted: 02 May 2022, 19:13
by JürgiWürgi
Hi there mrbass,

I have opened this thread in response to your post of the Alpha tutorial. Comments in the Guru Section are rather limited.

First of, props for the effort you have put into this. I will be glad to contribute to this. There are still quite some basics left unsaid, but most of this can be completed by additional text blocks. I will most likely have time on the weekend to go through this and then give you more extensive feedback.

However, there is one thing that I have to get out right away in advance (dont take this wrong, you are the guy who has done the work and I am - as of now - just a lazy commentor):
I unfortunately find the example game you have chosen a bad won. For rules teaching, the hand drafted (Lokis blessing, Succor, lokis trickery) is far too wonky. You basically start teaching the game to new players by showing them the Loki strategy from first person.
This will totally overwhelm new players (compare this to the rule book: Loki is only mentioned there when they say what the different gods stand for).

Since you have already put the effort in this, I understand if you will not want to record a new game. As previously said, I am still willing give you feedback on your tutorial as it is, just let me know.

However, in my oppinion an example round should look something like this (just out of my head, action split amongst the players):
- invade warrior.
- invade with the leader
- invade with ship
- show successful pillage without battle
- show march action
- show a quest played
- show a battle where you win the battle and loose the card (just with standard +2, +3 or +5 battle cards, with no additional text)
- show a battle where you loose a battle and keep your card (just with standard +2, +3 or +5 battle cards with no additional text)
- show a simple clan upgrade (like Lokis domain, to show that your lost unit is now worth something)
- show a simple unit upgrade (warriors most likely)
- show a simple monster upgrade (maybe troll because people will love the the troll eat the warriors that have just been created)
- show a succesful pillage (as this is at the very end, here the looser could steal you 1 rage with trickery to show the wonkiness of the game)
- show pass and have rage go down to zero

The above is only an example but I hope I have made my point. Your game plays out like a regular blood rage game (like instantly showing of the dwarf chiftain... it goes all over the place at once). The tutorial should - IMHO - be much more basic (also I think 3 player could would be more accessible).

Re: Discussion on Alpha Version of the tutorial

Posted: 02 May 2022, 20:28
by mrbass
yea JürgiWürgi there probably is a better / ideal game to choose from. I think the strategy tips below the game are overwhelming as they try to show you all the synergy strategies rather than discovering them on your own. I don't envision this as a great tutorial. I'll just leave it up there till someone writes a better one then I'll delete it. I think it's just better newbies watch a video instead to be honest. Plus the game interface is buggy which makes it impossible to write a must do this step by step tutorial for Blood Rage. It's just a disaster to be honest.

Re: Discussion on Alpha Version of the tutorial

Posted: 02 May 2022, 21:14
by JürgiWürgi
: ) Oki, thanks for the fast response.

Don't be overcritical on yourself, I only waned to provide you feedback ^^
I see that you already did put a lot of work into this, so credit where credit is due.

Re: Discussion on Alpha Version of the tutorial

Posted: 02 May 2022, 21:59
by mrbass
I do believe someone could make a simple and more basic tutorial like you said that covers the basics. My original plan was to play for two more weeks and pick from one of those games. Remember all tutorials have to start from the first move. Once I did a tutorial starting at move 500 something. After I finished it I realized my mistake. I'm not overcritical per se. Just agreeing with your assertion that's all.