what happens when the score is a tie?

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what happens when the score is a tie?

Post by Ursula1972 »

I almost had for the first time a tie: 25-25 when my opponent played when there was only one card left in the deck. He made a mistake with his second card so he could not fill his hand till 3 cards and he lost. But what would have happend when he stopped after playing his first card in the rainbow? He could pick the last card on the deck and it would still be 25-25.
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Re: what happens when the score is a tie?

Post by BillFraser »

It would have been a tied game.
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Re: what happens when the score is a tie?

Post by Jellby »

From the French rules: "En cas d'égalité, il faut rejouer une partie!", that is, in case of a draw, play a new match. I guess that means the score is a tie as far as BGA is concerned.
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