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Is it allowed to waste moves?

Posted: 05 December 2022, 11:25
by Romain672
I've got people which tell me it is, and other it is not.
And I didn't find it in the rules.

So like, you have two actions left, and you move up and down to just not draw an event.

Re: Is it allowed to waste moves?

Posted: 05 December 2022, 14:19
by Ez0ah
It’s against the rules :
p8 (check for event section) : You may not avoid drawing an Event card by simply moving back and forth between tiles.

According to the dev, it would have been extremely difficult to implement, without creating false negatives.

Re: Is it allowed to waste moves?

Posted: 05 December 2022, 15:26
by Romain672
Apparently, it's present in the english version of the rules, but not in the french version.

I didn't find any mention of the events in the french rules (outside of having the stack present in the first screen of the board).

Re: Is it allowed to waste moves?

Posted: 05 December 2022, 15:52
by Ez0ah
Tbh, the French version of the rules is way poorer than the latest version of the English rules.
There is a mention of how to draw the events. At the end of the chapter stating what are the main actions, there is « Piochez une carte évènement si vous avez utilisé deux actions ou moins »

Re: Is it allowed to waste moves?

Posted: 16 December 2022, 16:39
by pulpompa
By my side, I play with real rules, no waste allowed. If it is difficult to implement, maybe it can be possible to make it as an option players agree or not on the settings of the game before the start

Re: Is it allowed to waste moves?

Posted: 17 December 2022, 10:02
by cigma