AddButton - 2 projects / 1 js - Not same result

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AddButton - 2 projects / 1 js - Not same result

Post by mr_kywar »

Hi ! In odrer to investigate on my previous topic I make lots of tests to identify where is the problem.

I create a new project on studio, modify js to add button (result is a success)

So i take all the JS and put to the "official project" and hope to get the same result. unfortunately that was not the case

Is someone able to help ?

Result in New project

Code: Select all

<div id="generalactions">
	<a href="#" class="action-button bgabutton bgabutton_blue" onclick="return false;" id="button_1_id">Play cards</a>
	<a href="#" class="action-button bgabutton bgabutton_red" onclick="return false;" id="button_2_id">Reset</a>
Result in official project

Code: Select all

<div id="generalactions">
	<a href="#" class="action-button bgabutton bgabutton_blue" onclick="return false;" id="$2351197">Play cards</a>
	<a href="#" class="action-button bgabutton bgabutton_red" onclick="return false;" id="$2351197">Reset</a>
Addbutton part :

Code: Select all

 		onUpdateActionButtons: function (stateName, args)
                    console.log('onUpdateActionButtons: ' + stateName);

                    if (this.isCurrentPlayerActive())
                        switch (stateName)

                            case "playerTurn":
                                this.addActionButton('button_1_id', _('Play cards'), 'doDraw', null, false, 'blue');
                                this.addActionButton('button_2_id', _('Reset'), 'doDraw1', null, false, 'red');

My full JS if needed(used in new and the official project)

Code: Select all

 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <> & Emmanuel Colin <>
 * smilelifeR implementation : © <Your name here> <Your email address here>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on
 * See!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * smilelifer.js
 * smilelifeR user interface script
 * In this file, you are describing the logic of your user interface, in Javascript language.

    "dojo", "dojo/_base/declare",
        function (dojo, declare) {
            return declare("bgagame.smilelife", ebg.core.gamegui, {
                constructor: function () {
                    console.log('smilelife constructor');

                    // Here, you can init the global variables of your user interface
                    // Example:
                    // this.myGlobalValue = 0;


                 This method must set up the game user interface according to current game situation specified
                 in parameters.
                 The method is called each time the game interface is displayed to a player, ie:
                 _ when the game starts
                 _ when a player refreshes the game page (F5)
                 "gamedatas" argument contains all datas retrieved by your "getAllDatas" PHP method.

                setup: function (gamedatas)
                    console.log("Starting game setup");

                    // Setting up player boards
                    for (var player_id in gamedatas.players)
                        var player = gamedatas.players[player_id];

                        // TODO: Setting up players boards if needed

                    // TODO: Set up your game interface here, according to "gamedatas"

                    // Setup game notifications to handle (see "setupNotifications" method below)

                    console.log("Ending game setup");

                //// Game & client states

                // onEnteringState: this method is called each time we are entering into a new game state.
                //                  You can use this method to perform some user interface changes at this moment.
                onEnteringState: function (stateName, args)
                    console.log('Entering state: ' + stateName);

                    switch (stateName)

                        /* Example:
                         case 'myGameState':
                         // Show some HTML block at this game state
                'my_html_block_id', 'display', 'block' );

                        case 'dummmy':

                // onLeavingState: this method is called each time we are leaving a game state.
                //                 You can use this method to perform some user interface changes at this moment.
                onLeavingState: function (stateName)
                    console.log('Leaving state: ' + stateName);

                    switch (stateName)

                        /* Example:
                         case 'myGameState':
                         // Hide the HTML block we are displaying only during this game state
                'my_html_block_id', 'display', 'none' );

                        case 'dummmy':

                // onUpdateActionButtons: in this method you can manage "action buttons" that are displayed in the
                //                        action status bar (ie: the HTML links in the status bar).
                onUpdateActionButtons: function (stateName, args)
                    console.log('onUpdateActionButtons: ' + stateName);

                    if (this.isCurrentPlayerActive())
                        switch (stateName)

                            case "playerTurn":
                                this.addActionButton('button_1_id', _('Play cards'), 'doDraw', null, false, 'blue');
                                this.addActionButton('button_2_id', _('Reset'), 'doDraw1', null, false, 'red');


                //// Utility methods

                 Here, you can defines some utility methods that you can use everywhere in your javascript

                //// Player's action
                doDraw: function () {

                doDraw1: function () {
                 Here, you are defining methods to handle player's action (ex: results of mouse click on 
                 game objects).
                 Most of the time, these methods:
                 _ check the action is possible at this game state.
                 _ make a call to the game server

                /* Example:
                 onMyMethodToCall1: function( evt )
                 console.log( 'onMyMethodToCall1' );
                 // Preventing default browser reaction
                 dojo.stopEvent( evt );
                 // Check that this action is possible (see "possibleactions" in
                 if( ! this.checkAction( 'myAction' ) )
                 {   return; }
                 this.ajaxcall( "/smilelifer/smilelifer/myAction.html", { 
                 lock: true, 
                 myArgument1: arg1, 
                 myArgument2: arg2,
                 this, function( result ) {
                 // What to do after the server call if it succeeded
                 // (most of the time: nothing)
                 }, function( is_error) {
                 // What to do after the server call in anyway (success or failure)
                 // (most of the time: nothing)
                 } );        

                //// Reaction to cometD notifications

                 In this method, you associate each of your game notifications with your local method to handle it.
                 Note: game notification names correspond to "notifyAllPlayers" and "notifyPlayer" calls in
                 your file.
                setupNotifications: function ()
                    console.log('notifications subscriptions setup');

                    // TODO: here, associate your game notifications with local methods

                    // Example 1: standard notification handling
                    // dojo.subscribe( 'cardPlayed', this, "notif_cardPlayed" );

                    // Example 2: standard notification handling + tell the user interface to wait
                    //            during 3 seconds after calling the method in order to let the players
                    //            see what is happening in the game.
                    // dojo.subscribe( 'cardPlayed', this, "notif_cardPlayed" );
                    // this.notifqueue.setSynchronous( 'cardPlayed', 3000 );

                // TODO: from this point and below, you can write your game notifications handling methods

                 notif_cardPlayed: function( notif )
                 console.log( 'notif_cardPlayed' );
                 console.log( notif );
                 // Note: notif.args contains the arguments specified during you "notifyAllPlayers" / "notifyPlayer" PHP call
                 // TODO: play the card in the user interface.

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Re: AddButton - 2 projects / 1 js - Not same result

Post by Shazzypaz »

Suggest taking advantage of the BGA Developers Discord server. It's easier to get help there since you can have a proper discussion. The link is on this page:
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Re: AddButton - 2 projects / 1 js - Not same result

Post by mr_kywar »

The problem is solved by reset code in .view.php

i hope it's helping :)
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Re: AddButton - 2 projects / 1 js - Not same result

Post by IndianaScones »

In case anyone else finds this, I just had the same problem and the reason was that I was using 'id' as a key in an insert_block() function in view.php. That very problem is warned about in the doc, I had just missed it.
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